Our people

Strong and principled leadership is essential to our mission of enabling economic growth and progress. The Private Bank’s Leadership Team oversees how we address your wealth needs and provides the strategic direction for our organization.

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Ida Liu

Global Head of Citi Private Bank
Ida's LinkedIn profile
Providing best-in-class investment strategies to individuals and families.
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Halé Behzadi

North America Head of Citi Private Bank
Halé's LinkedIn profile
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Fernando López Muñoz

Latin America Head of Citi Private Bank
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Luigi Pigorini

Europe, Middle East & Africa Head of Citi Private Bank
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Steven Lo

Asia Pacific Head of Citi Private Bank
Steven's LinkedIn profile
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Nitin Batra

Global Chief Operating Officer
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Iain Armitage

Global Head of Capital Markets
Citi Global Wealth Investments
We deliver institutional-quality investment products and market insights to private clients with sophisticated needs.
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James Holder

Head of Private Banking
Europe, Middle East & Africa
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Rob Laughlin

Global Head of Trust & Wealth Planning
“We can help you create a meaningful and lasting legacy that protects your life’s achievements and unique holdings for those who are important to you, wherever they may be.”
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Selim Elgen

Emerging Markets Europe, Middle East & Africa Cluster Head of Citi Private Bank
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Jeremy Knowland

UK, Jersey & Israel Cluster Head of Citi Private Bank
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Eliza Deliyannides

Global Head of Client Engagement and Marketing
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Money K.

Global Head of Global Client Service
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Murtuza Rasiwala

Head of Mortgage, Banking, Custody & Private Asset Lending
“Our dedicated team is experienced in structuring bespoke strategies to provide clients liquidity using their financial assets as collateral”
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Aashish Ponda

Head of Investment Finance
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